A WhiteSpace keynote or workshop is a guaranteed success for all involved.
For executive leadership, who will find fresh ways of thinking about execution, legacy and culture. For middle management squeezed between opposing floods of demand. And for the front line, who will be given immediately applicable tools to unburden themselves from the low-value avalanche that hits them every day.
The smarter and more Type A are the attendees, the more they will identify with and benefit from the WhiteSpace body of content and set of tools. And the tone of the session will be fast paced, humor laced and almost slide-free.
Raising Execution Through Reclaiming WhiteSpace
(Our signature keynote for general audiences, adaptable for leadership)
Every executive and team has only a select handful of true priorities. And they’ll do anything to move them forward quickly and triumphantly. But when talented workers are lost in unnecessary emails, meetings, reporting and other low-value tasks, they crawl toward these pivotal objectives. Distraction, interruption and unnecessary complexity further addle their creative spark. And they have no time to think.
Imagine instead a workplace where a majority of time is spent on tasks of true importance. Where thoughtful time is a priority and where norms and habits protect employees from touching work that drains them. This is a WhiteSpace culture, one where strategic pauses allow time for strategy and insight — and its creation may be more possible than you think.
In this high-energy session, we’ll learn the basics of bringing positive changes such as these to you and your organization by examining the critical difference between activity and true productivity, between cramming in more tasks and selectively choosing to dive into the right ones with thoughtfulness.
We also meet and arm ourselves against The Thieves of Productivity, a group of positive assets that can often run amuck. By examining the surprising downside of these attributes, we create a customized road map toward more WhiteSpace at the individual, team and organizational level.
Speaker, workshop facilitator and business consultant
Heather had her entrepreneur clients in mind when she hired WhiteSpace at Work to do a keynote session at a business growth conference in 2015. She was an executive at a management company for independent medical practices, overseeing recruiting, onboarding and training programs for more than 2500 individuals. As one of the organizations top speakers, she traveled around the world presenting keynote sessions and interactive workshops for entrepreneurs, executives, and employees.
After personally incorporating WhiteSpace concepts into her daily practice, she saw a reduction in busyness which lead to greater focus and performance. She knew that if other executives and employees could incorporate WhiteSpace into their culture, they would also find strong results.
Heather left her executive role to help other leaders improve their cultures. As WhiteSpace at Work’s lead trainer, she brings 17 years of presentation and facilitation skills to the WhiteSpace team. She graduated from the honors program at Portland State University’s School of Business Administration with dual majors in international marketing and advertising management. She lives just outside of Portland, Oregon with her husband James and their two young sons.